Mole Scanning
At our Kurri Kurri clinic, we offer professional mole scanning as part of our skin cancer screening services. You can find important information on this page, about digital mole scanning and screening in Kurri, as well as some of the most frequently asked questions we receive from patients at our skin centre.
What is Mole Scanning?
Full body mole scanning (full body photography) is a procedure of making a record of the whole body surface and the positions of individual mole or lesions. A body mole scan allows for the ability to compare past and current photographs of moles on the body with photographs taken in the nearest future. Building a mole road scan is the best method of watching the emergence of new moles.
The Difference Between Mole Scanning and a Skin Cancer Check
A mole scan involves taking a series of several photographs that cover the whole body surface. These photographs are then stored in a database where they can be compared with past and future mole scan photos.
A skin cancer check involves a particular skin cancer doctor exploring the skin from head to toe with a particular device called a Dermatoscope. Any freckles or moles or will be closely examined and will be biopsied if they exhibit signs (chaos and Clues) of skin cancer.
At Mole Check Clinic, we perform full body mole scanning in conjunction with a full body skin cancer check.
How Does Mole Scanning Work?
Mole mapping utilises sophisticated digital mole mapping software:-
The mole map procedure itself is non-invasive. A person will be asked to undress to their underwear (underwear and bra for women). The process of taking photographs of every section of the body then begins. As the photos are taken, it may be necessary for the operator to stop and check them periodically to make sure the accuracy, focus and the position are all correct.
At our mole screening clinic, we use the most advanced digital mole mapping software and optics available on the market. This technology breaks down the body into 28 sections to make sure that the entire skin surface is covered.
In addition to storing photographs, our software provides inbuilt tools which assist greatly in diagnosis of different types of precancerous moles and skin cancer. One of the most important features of mole mapping technology is the ability to identify new spots or lesions.
With new developments in software and optics and the ability to store large amounts of data, mole mapping has become a powerful tool for the diagnosis of skin cancer.
How Long Does Mole Scanning Take?
An initial mole map can take approximately 15 – 20 minutes to complete.
Is Mole Scanning Worth It?
Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, making early detection of melanoma essential. Melanoma or another form of skin cancer may develop very slowly without presenting any symptoms or obvious signs of drastic change. Mole scanning can greatly improve the chances of detection at the earliest possible opportunity.
How Much Does Mole Scanning Cost?
At Mole Check Clinic, our standard price for the full body skin cancer check and mole scanning is $100. We also offer special promotional prices on a regular basis. View our fees to find out more about our skin check and mole mapping costs.
Preparing for Mole Scanning
When preparing for your full body mole scanning, we ask that you do not wear any fake tan, makeup or nail polish. You should also wear plain-coloured underwear to the mole scanning session.
Excessive body hair may interfere with good quality photographs, in which case you may consider shaving prior to your mole map appointment.
What to Wear When Getting a Mole Check
Loose clothes that are easy to remove are recommended. We do not require you to take your bra and underwear off. However, you may request to take photos of those regions if you feel comfortable to do so. Alternatively, you could ask the doctor to examine those areas for malignant signs without taking photos.